Friday, November 27, 2009

Im dreaming of a green Christmas

So I have been very busy recently. My brother just got married last Saturday so most of my focus was on that. I have wanted to blog for a good while now. So today I finally am getting the chance. After spending most of my morning out and about on this Black Friday, I have come home with almost nothing. But that is okay with me. I like to make things. I like to have a story behind each of my gifts. I like to pray for each person that I am making that item for. I did get two cricut cartridges for myself which were on sale at Michaels so that I could make some cute things with them. I am excited about those.

So onto my handmade Christmas. I have a lot of ideas for handmade and a "green" Christmas. Here are a few ideas:
1. Going to make ornaments out of cardboard and paper. Decorated with glitter.
2. Artwork
3. Candles from my mother-in-law
4. Making a random assortment of cards. So that they could use them through out the entire year. Using recycled papers. I found this one here, for a possible card.
5. A shirt cape for my nephew
6. Fabric flowers for my niece
7. Old crayons to new ones
8. Baking
9. Rolled up Magazine frames
10. Another apron made out of a curtain,vintage buttons, and a table cloth, I made one for my friend a while back and it turned out so cute.

There may be other things I will make but that is what I am going to leave you with for now.

Ill leave you with a few things to go and check out:
**An interesting article and website that you should check out Fave Crafts
**Who would of thought, Have a computer geek that you need to get for, check this out
**Craft Critique

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